1.外資金額在新臺幣一億元以上之公司所聘僱總經理級以上之外籍人員;或外資金額在新臺幣二億 元以上之
Company foreign capital over NT$ 100,000,000 (one hundred million).Which engage the service for position
of a foreign nationality general manager or up ward position . Company foreign capital over NT$ 200,000,000
(two hundred million). Which engage the service for position of a foreign nationality director or upward position. 2.上年度營業額在新臺幣五億元以上之公司所聘僱總經理級以上之外籍人員;或年度營業額在新臺幣十億元以
Company business income previous year over NT$ 500,000,000 (five hundred million).Which engage the
service for position of a foreign nationality general manager or up ward position . Company business
income previous year over NT$ 1,000,000,000 (ten hundred million).Which engage the service for position
of a foreign nationality director or upward position . 3.上年度在我國繳納綜合所得稅之薪資所得新臺幣三百萬元以上;或當年度月薪新臺幣二十五萬元之公司、財團
Yearly income tax over NT$3,000,000 (three million) or monthly income over NT$ 250,000 (two hundred fifty
thousand), which engage the service for position of a foreign nationality director or upward position. |